Friday, September 6, 2013

5 Questions

1. What is your computer experience?
I have had computer classes in high school, some going over the basics of using Photoshop. I use a computer almost everyday for personal use and school work.

2. What is your major class?
My major class is Game Design and Development.

3. What do you hope to get out of this class?
I hope to learn how to effectively use Photoshop and learn the basics of computer graphics.

4. Who is your favorite artist?
I don't really have a favorite artist for artwork. My favorite music artist would be Marty O'Donnell.

5. Write a five line story?
I'm not much for writing stories right on the spot. I usually have to brainstorm for a good ten minutes before I can get started. My biggest problem with writing a story is that I never feel like my introductory sentence is good enough. I feel the same way about artwork that I create online or in a notebook. I never know where to start and I never feel like it is good enough of a start.

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